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Custom Java Development


TruePenny People has been supporting the IRS ISR-S/CIS Java projects over the last 7 years, using its extensive knowledge to develop Business Rules and reusable frameworks, business services and integration to both internal and external consumers. These are some of the projects that TruePenny has been a part of:


BRMG and BRE Sub Systems:


The BRMG (Bulk Request Manager Gateway) acts as the IRS gateway to receive Asynchronous bulk transactions from mutually authenticated clients while the Business Rules Engine (BRE) is a reusable, scalable rules component for validating EPD data (Household, and Shop) that is submitted by each healthcare exchange on a monthly basis.


Some of the key features of these projects are:

  • The BRE and BRMG are built on top of RedHat Fuse/EAP Platform using Message Driven Architecture (MDA), Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and J2EE technologies.

  • Highly available (HA) architecture in all environments for all Redhat products (FUSE/EAP, AMQ, JDG), and BRE, BRMG applications with failover architecture in PROD and DR environments.

  • Support for multiple versions of rules with the ability to change the rules dynamically without requiring to restart the applications.

  • Stress testing applications for more than 1 million transactions per day.

  • Supporting the applications in production for last 7 years.


Common Log Aggregation and Analytics Solution (CLAAS):


The TPP team has used its expertise on the ELK stack (Elastic search, Logstash and Kibana), Beats projects (FileBeat, MetricBeat, HearBeat), and has implemented the Common Log Aggregation and Analytics Solution (CLAAS) to provide software as a service to CIS and other AD/TIO organizations. 


Some key features of these solutions:

  • They support multi-tenant architecture with role based access control using OL5081 and partition the tenant’s data, ensuring data security.

  • They support ability to create and customize dashboards, performance metrics, alerts and notifications, and report generations.

  • Highly available (HA) architecture in all environments (DSIT, PTE and PROD) with failover architecture in PROD and DR environments.

  • Stress testing for more than 12 million transactions per day.

  • They provide insight into the type of data, traffic patterns, common error occurrences and other statistics and metrics.


Enterprise Consolidated Legacy Access (E-CLAS):


The truePennyPeople team is part of the CIS Java team in the  implementation of Enterprise Consolidated Legacy Access (E-CLAS) platform which:


  • Is a modernization effort to provide access to Multi-Functional Equipment (MFE) command codes, replacing & migrating Legacy Access Provider (LAP) consumers that is set to retire in 2020.

  • Is a platform-independent, scalable, highly available, fail-over and programming language agnostic architecture built on Micro Services Architecture (MSA) and Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). 

  • Provides both REST and SOAP interfaces/protocols, decoupling the consumers and their resources, thereby solving existing issues with Consolidated Legacy Access (CLAS) API. These include but are not limited to: tight coupling/rigid framework, support of multiple versions, redistribution of API due to maintenance, enhancements.

  •  Was architected, designed and developed with the following reusable frameworks, which led to Rapid Application Development (RAD) and the ability to implement interfaces to MFE command codes at much faster rate:

    • Security Framework - token based security framework that is integrated with Enterprise Site Minder (ESM) to authenticate and authorize users based on their access controls.

    • Data Parsing Framework - Generic data-driven parsing framework that decouples the command code request/response parameters to data sources (database and excel files). thereby minimizing the changes to the E-CLAS code whenever there is maintenance and enhancements to the command code request/responses from the downstream main frame data bases (IMF, BMF, AIMS, C-FOL …).

    • Controller Framework – The controller framework is a reusable framework that helps in centralizing the authentication & authorization, command code request/response parsing processing and generation of Payload, Optometric, and SAAS audit logs


Other key accomplishments:


  • The team used the OpenShift Container Platform (OCP), containerized all the E-CLAS micro services, and deployed to OCP pods to support consumer’s onboarding and testing with various SACS and mainframe database environments.

  • E-CLAS is integrated with CLAAS and Submission Tracking that helps debug, triage, remediate in real time, provide real time monitoring (alerting and notification) of application performance, provide transaction volumes, metrics and report generation.

  • E-CLAS Java team implemented a wiki site that hosts knowledgebase articles and utilities for easy onboarding of consumers

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